Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day= HOT; Evening=Run

It's 7:30 this evening and we just finished a great dinner of pasta, chicken, and broccoli. I had a pretty eventful day full of walking and donating plasma so I'm kinda tired. Ryu wanted to play in her pool in the yard so I set everything up for a little family trip to the front yard. We pulled out the kiddie pool and set up a sprinkler. Ryu had a good, if not cold, time in the water. Kris read a bit of World War Z (awesome book by the way, huge recommendation) while I either splashed in the water with Ryu or worked on the laptop. Now that I've eaten and it's been 6 hours since my plasma donation, I'm going to go for a run and do a 20 minute core work out. That reminds me, I need help with stretching. I don't know a lot about it. Do I stretch my arms and chest after a run? How do I know I'm warmed up enough to stretch? What's a good quad stretch that doesn't torque my knee? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  1. stretching is over rated... If you stretch before you workout, you reduce the ability of your muscles to apply power. A good dynamic warm up before running is a good idea. Heck, when you get to be my age, a warm up is a must :-)

    You can stretch afterwards though. Your muscles are warmed up and there's less chance of pulling something. I don't stretch, so I'm not much help there.

  2. I don't stretch before a run, but I'm a big believer in stretching afterwards. I don't have any recommendations for your quads, though. I just do the standard pull up from behind routine and it works great for me. I don't usually stretch my upper body after a run, either, I just concentrate on my hips down. Even that takes me a good 20 minutes, though.

    Here are a few of the ones I usually do:

  3. We do a lot of running in the evening to avoid the heat of the day. :) The pool in the yar sounds better though!

    I wish I had advice for stretching. There are so many conflicting arguments about it. :(
